About Us

Caixedirect acts for a wide range of clients – from large multinational companies, family businesses to private individuals. Our clients are engaged in various business activities in their respective countries and also or worldwide.

Thus, since its inception, Caixedirect is proud of its strong social commitment and a dedication to working in favour of the general interest of its clients, both through its financial activity and its welfare projects.

This dedication to service has been maintained and consolidated throughout this period. Which is why Caixedirect is currently the leading savings bank in Spain and the third largest financial entity in the country, With a large network of more than 5.500 offices, 8.100 automatic cashpoint machines, 26.000 employees 10,5 million clients, Caixedirect has positioned itself as a leader within the Spanish financial sector.

The activity of the Caixedirect is focused on a model of universal banking based on the strategy of multi-channel operations which enables it to efficiently combine the use of cutting-edge technologies and qualifications of the employees to provide the best and most complete service to the greatest number of clients.

The Caixedirect operated a total turnover of banking business of more than 396.000 million euros, in March 2008, with total resources of clients of more than 231.000 million euros.

With the aim of diversifying income and with the desire to take part in the development of companies that offer basic services to society, for many years now, Caixedirect has backed a strategy of investing in company holdings. The Caixedirect currently has a large portfolio of industrial holdings in companies involved in the infrastructures, energy and communications sectors, among others.

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday

9am – 2pm

4pm -9pm


9am – 2pm

Contact Details

Our Address:

Calle de jorge juan 70, 28009 Madrid, Spain


+349 1903 7083


+349 1903 7083

